A POS System from payWise Technologies
Finding the right POS system for your business can be overwhelming, but making the right choice can save you a lot of time and money down the road.
30 years ago, Point of Sale meant an oversized calculator which held precious real
estate on your business’s countertop.
Today, this broad term encompasses so much more and we often find our clients lost when searching for the best solution for their business. With so many options in the market today, you might wonder how you are ever going to make the right decision for your business.

We make it simple for you.
At payWise Technologies, our goal has always been to make complicated things simple for our clients, and choosing the right Point of Sale solution is no different. This process should be easy, exciting, and fun. So, before you dive into what might seem like a massive research project, allow us to high-level an effective approach you can follow. This method will ensure you select the best POS system for your business without pulling out your hair!

- 1
List Your Needs.
What is most important to your business? What are some current problems you want to solve by implementing a new system?
- 2
Set Your Budget.
Setting a budget will help you make vital decisions in steps three and four. Once you know your budget, we can narrow down the very best solutions based upon your distinct needs. See, we told you this process could be easy!
- 3
Tablet Or Traditional Hardware?
With the growing functionality and user comfort with tablets, every business owner should at least consider a tablet-based system before making their buying decision. There are benefits to both solutions and often times it will come down to your specific needs and your budget requirements.
- 4
Once you have made your decision on whether or not you would like a tablet or traditional POS system, it’s time to decide on your software! Fortunately, you are following our easy guide and you already know what your major needs are, so this part should be a cake walk.
Ahhh… Now you’ve hand-selected your new system and fallen in love, the hard part is complete. payWise Technologies will graciously take care of you every step of the way, from the purchase to the installation and even employee training!
So what are you waiting for? Isn’t it time you optimized your business?